Hey there,  I'm Aakash

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About Me

Hey there , My name is Aakash and as a seasoned Fullstack developer, my expertise lies in using modern web technologies to create elegant and functional user interfaces. With a strong command of React, TypeScript, Next.js, Tailwind, Firebase, Prisma and Material UI, I bring extensive experience in building scalable and responsive web applications that deliver exceptional user experiences.

Tech Arsenal


Versatile Developer shaping dynamic web experiences through proficient use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Frontend Libraries | React & NEXT

Aquinted with Latest features from Next 13 using the brand new App Router, Server Components, SEO optimazations, and more.



Firebase V9 , Express-js , Supabase


Authentication , DB communications , Payment gateways , UI/UX , Version Control , Data Fetching/Caching , OpenAI